Simmons Mill Pond Management Area Little Compton

Simmons Mill Pond

9/10 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊Mommy Approved Smiling Faces

206 Coldbrook Rd.

Little Compton, Rhode Island 02837 Β 

We loved Simmons Mill Pond! It really provided a comprehensive view of the habitat including the animals, plants and history of farming in Little Compton.Β  I’ve never seen a trail equipped with so much information.Β  It must have been so time consuming for the creators of all the informative wooden placards we read to fabricate them all and place exactly where they needed to be on the trails.Β  We certainly appreciated it and learned a ton because of them!Β  I have always wished for signs to explain exactly which types of foliage I was seeing or animals and this place does not leave you guessing.Β  They have every question answered if you read the placards. I learned about the stone walls seen throughout the state, why certain tree bark is used for making certain things, disease found in trees, classification of ferns, how to construct homemade bird houses and the history or farm life in Little Compton.Β  That was just a few of the items the placards explain.Β  Of course there is so much more!

Since Simmons Mill Pond is primarily flat, it is great for little kids.Β  We saw so many kids and dogs.Β  My kids simply loved these encounters.Β  We also saw many happy singing birds, a snake and a frog!Β  Also the kids were great hunters in finding enormous amounts of roly poly bugs under all the signs and logs.Β  They had to play with them all.Β  Jamison even tried to sneak one home, thank goodness he got tattled on by Jewel or it would have traveled home with us!

The day we went, the weather was not the best.Β  We knew it would rain so we went early and got through as much as we could before the rain started.Β  Because of that we didn’t get to see the entire ground, but we did see a majority of them.Β  We did the Farmsite Loop and missed the Amy Hart loop but its okay since there is no body of water there, I’m sure we saw the best portion of the hike.

Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
signage on coldbrook Road
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
We loved comparing the various ferns, they all look like clusters of leaves but very different too-who knew there were so many varieties
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
This is what the trails look like in general, nice wide flat trails easy to walk for all -even little kids!
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
A map of the area as you walk into the trail from the parking lot
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
General information about the area
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
beautiful views of the ponds my kids loved to sit in front of the water and watch for animals
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
great for comparing the various woods
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
many strategically placed pooper scoopers so no one steps in it as they walk! So thoughtful
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
Who knew? The kids loved matching up the leaves to the drawing
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
This was great, I never know which i’m looking at so this totally helps!
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
This tree was thin but the kids and I touched it and it was so sturdy and hard!
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
more information about the ponds and surrounding area
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
We recently went on a hike and I asked my husband if he knew what these were-he didn’t but now I do!
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
The picture doesn’t show how big this really is but this is a Burl!
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
The kids loved this make-shift bridge because we haven’t seen one like it elsewhere
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
Do you see the snake in this image? We saw the whole thing but he was a fast one! I’m weird I guess but I love snakes, they are fascinating
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
This is one of the natural bird houses that are placed throughout. The kids and I liked this one because it looks like those wooden trolls. Do you see it’s nose too?
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
common birds found in this area
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
I wish we saw a flying squirrel but we didn’t
Simmons Mill Pond Management Area hiking with kids
an old well
The picture of this is below. It is a wasp egg and the tree’s reaction to it-crazy!Β  Only found on oak trees
Simmons Mill Pond Management area with kids
I wonder if I would have even seen this if it weren’t for the sign?
Simmons Mill Pond Management area with kids
just some wood information for you to know
Simmons Mill Pond Management area with kids
this is a great idea I may have to try it!
Simmons Mill Pond Management area with kids
This only shows one roly poly but trust me there were so many! Upon looking these up it says they are an indication of good environmental health to find these so this place must but off the charts healthy!
Simmons Mill Pond Management area with kids
Ever wonder why there are so many stone walls especially in rural areas? farm animal pens back in the day

The Skinny:

  • Weather : It has to be a nice day because it is completely outside
  • Parking and Admissions : Β FREE parking and admissions -2 parking lots here.Β  One on Coldbrook Road and the other smaller one on John Dyer Road
  • Location : Simmons Mill Pond is 433 acres of land 2.75 miles more or less of “easy” rated trails with educational and informative placards placed throughout the park to know where you are and what is around you.Β  Exceptionally cared for trails.Β  I’ve never seen so much work put into informing the public about the area-its remarkable!Β  Great place to learn about nature and history of Little Compton.Β  There are 6 ponds in total.Β  Activities include: biking, fishing, hunting, hiking, bird watching, recreation and canoeing / kayaking.
  • Hours : Dawn to dusk daily
  • Duration : We spent 2 hours or so here.Β  Β We had to leave because it started to rain but what we saw was spectacular.
  • Tips and Recommendations : Leashed Dogs are allowed.Β  There are tools to clean up after your dog placed here as a reminder!Β  There is no way you could possibly leave it there due to this in your face reminder!Β  Its a great idea though because as I mentioned, there are a lot of dogs here.
  • Β 

Jamison Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ

Jewel Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ

Amazing Rhode Island nature trail for kids and adults alike to learn
Can’t even fathom this trail being any better, the kids and I both loved it so much!
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