
Mommy Approved Smiling Faces
315 Sachuest Point Road
Middletown, RI 0284
The kids and I have been going to Second Beach since they were babies. We all adore this beach because it is beautiful and has a laid-back vibe. The water has smaller waves and the sand is smooth. There are some rocks and cliffs around the far end of the beach which provide fantastic views.
The kid’s older cousins like to surf, skimboard and body board while my kids are enjoying swimming, sand play and crab hunting. It’s great that families with children of all ages can go to one location and enjoy time together.

The Skinny :
- Weather : Obviously everyone wants to go to the beach swimming during a nice, hot, dry day but if you want to visit during the off season to walk the shore and relax it’s awesome here too.
- Parking and Admissions: There is ample parking. During beach season (Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day) fees are changes at the rate of $20 a car during the week and $30 during a holiday or weekend. Beach passes can be purchased for $70 Middletown residents and $140 for non-residents
- Location : A beautiful family-friendly beach that offers the ability to surf on one end. There is a concession stand with showers and a restroom at the main building seen upon entering the parking lot.
- Hours : 8am-9pm the gates lock
- Duration : We usually spend the entire day here especially when we pay $30!
- Tips and Recommendations : If you or the kids are taking up surfing, invest in a wet suit. We saw several families with kids wearing them while at this beach in order to stay comfortable while in the water.
You can sign up for surf lessons at https://www.islandsports.com/ which offers lessons with gear included-what a deal! The far end of the beach after life guard chair 9 permits surfing and has a location where rentals are available.
Jewel : 👍🏼
Jamison : 👍🏼
While in the area, be sure to visit Norman Bird Sanctuary where you can look out onto Second Beach from Hanging Cliff Rock. Also a great area to hike with coastal views is Sachuest Point which is minutes away. Be sure to explore Save the Bay Aquarium while in the area too for educational, hands-on fun.
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