Napatree Conservation great kid friendly location




Mommy Approved Smiling Faces

99 Fort Road (You may need to ask someone as I did)

Westerly, RI 02891


Napatree is so tranquil. The sky is perfect and bright blue with sparkly water and there were minimal people dotted throughout this quaint beach area. We went on an 80 degree Saturday! That is unheard of at most beaches it’s blanket to blanket. We simply loved it here. There was ample space for us to spread out and walk along the ocean side with larger waves which was cooler due to the gentle breeze and then we walked through a pathway to get to the more calm-watered and warmer marina area. It was nice to have both contrasting sides to explore.Β Β 

kids watching the hourseshoe crabs at the entery way to Napatree Point Conservation Watch Hill Westerly, RI
The entry way to Napatree beach behind the main strip of small shops and restaurants
kids running through the pathway connecting the two areas-marina and ocean together at Napatree Point Conservation Watch Hill Westerly, RI
the pathway connecting the two areas-marina and ocean together
map of Napatree Conservation in Watch Hill Westerly, Rhode Island, kid friendly
Great kid firendly location with waves on 1 side and gentle marina with calmer water, close to shops and restaurants and Carousel


kids playing in the shoreline at the marina side of Napatree Point Conservation in Watch Hill Westerly, RI
playing in the shoreline at the marina side of Napatree Point
kid friendly Napatree Point Conservation in Watch Hill Westerly, RI
informative signage for Napatree Point Conservation
beautiful houses in the background while kids enjoy the Marina side of  Napatree Point Conservation in Watch Hill Westerly RI
beautiful houses on the Marina side
Marina side great for kids at  Napatree Point Conservation in Watch Hill Westerly RI
Marina from the pathway toward the beach-perfect sky!
kids at Napatree Point Conservation in Watch Hill Westerly RI
kids sliding down the sAND dunes to the beach
Napatree Point Conservation Watch Hill Westerly, RI kids playing in the ocean water
panoramic view of the “ocean” side of Napatree- Isn’t that sky something? it’s like the rock wall also divided the sky!
kids at Napatree Point Conservation Watch Hill Westerly, RI
rock climbing for fun at Napatree BEACH
kids at Napatree Point Conservation Watch Hill Westerly, RI
alternate path connecting the marina to the beach flanked with beautiful flowers
Napatree Point Conservation Watch Hill Westerly, RI kids love it here
the kids loved the horseshoe crabs and we saw several just like this-mating season?
Napatree Westerly, Rhode Island kid friendly beach
Osprey nest!
Napatree Westerly, Rhode Island kid friendly beach
The end of the beach, its beautiful and secluded but very rocky. Not a great area for kids.
Napatree Beach In Westerly, Rhode Island with kids
running to the water on that hot summer day

Napatree Beach In Westerly, Rhode Island with kids

Napatree Beach In Westerly, Rhode Island with kids
You should check out the quirky and beautiful shops while in the area all in close walking distance to the beach and carousel
Napatree Beach In Westerly, Rhode Island with kids
The flying horse carousel here is not for adults so unfortunately we had to sit out while the kids had all the fun!
Napatree Beach In Westerly, Rhode Island with kids
likely because these guys are old and can’t withstand the weight of adults
Napatree Beach In Westerly, Rhode Island with kids
and what’s a summer day without ice cream and treats to cool off?
Napatree Beach In Westerly, Rhode Island with kids
this obviously wasn’t the best shot of a sunset but you should visit and get a better one as I am sure you will capture a better one

The Skinny:

  • Location : Napatree Conservation Great quaint beach that has two options of waters-calm and warmer on marina side or cooler with more active waves on the “Ocean” side making it great for all aged-kids, abandoned Fort Mansfield at the end of the beach (very hard to access and overgrown with foliage and a fence so not worth the trouble to see it), bird conservation land so birds will surely be seen and heard with other marine wildlife.Β Β 
  • Hours : 24 hours a day 7 days a week-all year!
  • Admission :Β FREEΒ  **see parking below
  • Parking :Β  You can find 2 hours of street parking on the main strip that has restaurants and specialty shops if you are lucky (it’s usually too crowded for that ) or the lots charge $30 for the day and you don’t have to worry about moving your car.Β  There is a walk to get to the entry way of Napatree from the main strip.Β  It is just behind the parking lots for the private yacht club going toward the water and perpendicular to the main strip.Β  I would recommend asking someone as I did.Β  The signage is small. ***This is the reason I didn’t give this location a 9/10 smiles, because the parking can be a big challenge sadly!
  • Β Recommendations :
  1. There are no life guards, no bathroom facilities on the beach, no concession stands on the beach so you have to be okay with that when going here.Β  These things are all in walking distance and accessible if needed.Β  So this location is best for those that are true nature-lovers and don’t seek out amenities directly on the beach.
  2. The Flying Horse Carousel is a close walk from this location and close to a public bathroom, shops and restaurants.Β  This Carousel as well as the Looff Carrousel found in Slater Park are the state’s only carousels designated as National Historic Landmarks.

Jewel Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ


Jamison Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ


I hope you get here!Β  If you do, let us know what you think of it and if you made it out to the fort or went on the carousel.

kid friendly beach with hike and marine animals
exquisite location to enjoy nature with kids and adults alike in this quaint beach close to the action of town
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