Magic Wings

8/10😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊Mommy Approved Smiling Faces

281 Greenfield Rd

South Deerfield, MA 01373

 (413) 665-2805

Magic Wings is the perfect indoor space to visit with kids who love animals and nature.  At this Massachusetts location, butterflies can fly and flutter freely in gorgeous tropical gardens.  Visitors are able to enter the garden and walk amongst the flourishing plants as various species of butterflies fly past them and all around looking for food sources and flowers to land on.  If you are lucky and patient, the butterflies might even land on you!  The kids were thrilled by this occurrence and could not believe their eyes when the butterflies wanted to stay on their hands for a while.  The kids think a visit to Magic Wings is truly spectacular and were over the moon during the butterfly encounter experience.

Besides butterflies there are other small creatures to enjoy here.  Magic Wings has an aquarium room prior to entering the butterfly exhibit.  It houses various bugs, frogs and small reptiles.  The animals here are not the typical of most zoos and pet shops.  There are unique animals with interesting fun facts posted about them, for instance have you ever seen a giant stick bug or a mossy frog?  The kids can learn about camouflage and how these creatures are able to survive by blending in with their environment.  They sure are masters of camouflage because even looking into some of the tanks, it was difficult to find the animals I knew where inside due to their incredible abilities to blend in.  

Besides enjoying the animals and learning about them, Magic Wings has a lovely gift shop.  It offers various books and toys geared toward butterfly information and education.  They even sell cocoons so you can hatch your own butterflies to be released into the wild.  Numerous butterfly trinkets and specialty goods are for sale here at a reasonable price.  The kids loved all the butterfly goods but settled on fans with butterflies printed on them and I purchased an adorable butterfly window decor.  It looks great in my kitchen window because it is small and subtle with the perfect amount of translucent color.

Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
from the outside, Magic Wings looks like a giant greenhouse
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
There is a nice, bright location to sit at with numerous plants surrounding you however the cafe is closed at this time
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
Do you see the two bugs in this tank? Maybe there’s even more
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
some good information about each critter
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
I would totally think this was a leave if I ever saw one right?
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
How cool are these giant stick bugs?
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
I had to highlight this guy because it is so hard to see him
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
do you see the mossy frog here?
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
Check out this amazing vegetation? aren’t plants just spectacular?
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
more beautiful and tropical plants-magic wings certainly has no shortage of that
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
we love the lush bright green with pops of color from both flowers and butterflies
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
The kids loved these beautiful flowers
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
My daughter made many butterfly friends while at Magic Wings
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
These guys did not want to leave her hand
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
This one is full of vibrant colors
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
The gardens here are inviting and create open spaces to relax and patiently wait for the butterflies to approach you
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
it’s impossible to have anything but smiles here at Magic Wings when you are enchanted by butterflies
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
in the gift shop you can pick which butterflies or moths you wish to have develop from cocoon at your house
Magic Wings in Deerfield, Massachusetts with kids
The found her butterfly gift and picked a colorful back one for her brother

The Skinny:

  • Weather :  The weather doesn’t matter as this location is indoors and year round
  • Parking : FREE plentiful parking
  •  Admissions: Adults: $16.00, Seniors (age 62 and over): $14.00, Seniors pay $12.50 on Wednesdays. Children (age 3 through 17): $10.00.  Also $10.00 for students up through age 22 with valid student ID. Children under age 3: Free
  • Location :  Magic Wings is an indoor space offering a submersion experience with butterflies and other small creatures.
  • Hours : Tuesday through Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM with the last admission being 4:30
    CLOSED on Mondays, Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day
  • Duration :  The kids spent two hours or so here exploring the butterfly atrium, reptile area and of course the gift shop
  • Tips and Recommendations : We visited during winter which was a great way to warm up while it was so chilly outside so if you are in need of a vacation to escape the cold temperatures, you may want to consider visiting the too.  A rainy day would also be a great time to visit when being outside is not ideal.  

Jewel : 👍🏼

Jamison : 👍🏼

If you like butterfly encounters, be sure to check out The Butterfly Place also in Massachusetts.  The Connecticut Science Center also has a small but worthy butterfly encounter amongst other things.  If gardens are your thing, be sure to check out Tower Hill Botanical Garden or Roger Williams Botanical Garden.  Both are special and have both indoor and outdoor spaces to explore.

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