small waterfalls here great for the kids because they get excited

Linguicia Loop Trail

8/10 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊Mommy Approved Smiling Faces

69 Main Street

Swansea, MA 02777

***Behind the library parking lot you will see a wooden sign for Village Park. If you look back to the corner of the grassy lot on the left you will see the path entrance.

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This place was really fun to explore. There are numerous trails that run off the loop trail, so if you want to, you can really hang here for a long time. It rained heavily the day before and with the sloped landscape here, there was a great deal of mud. This was a highlight for my kids! They love to stomp, splash and pounce in the mucky mud. They are like most kids, Pepper Pig fans!

We followed the map in All Trails but also explored around a bit since my kids love to be spontaneous. We found a rusty car, several ducks, a few small water falls, bike jumps, puddingstone rocks, several dogs, little bridges and of course a decent sized body of water. There was also a short story book walk on Franklin the turtle and his Halloween adventure close by to a fenced-in soccer field.

The grounds appear to be well maintained with a trash bin close to the soccer field and minimal trash found while on the trails. The people we met were pleasant and friendly. Many dogs were off leashes which I don’t mind, but if you do, just be aware of that.




Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
Not sure what this is used for? maybe it s a biking thing? but my kids will turn anything into a balance beam


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
Strong little bridges over some wetlands


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
More wooden planked bridges with a ramp on this one


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
So much mud the kids were elated


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
There’s no information about this car posted but it is not our first that we have seen on our hikes. For some reason its seems to be pretty common?Β  Wonder how long it’s been just sitting here?


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
rock throwing


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
so many areas of various elevations this puddingstone rock was small enough for the kids to climb themselves so they did!


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
some of the trails almost look like trenches dug out with higher lands all aroundA small, but still impressive waterfall for the kids


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
A small, but still impressive waterfall for the kids
Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
The waterfalls
Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
The kids loved this area by the water. There were a few waterfalls here that they could get pretty close to so that was a big draw for them.


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
So many bike riders here who were courteous and happy to be out on this 60 degree day in late fall!


Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
Franklin’s Halloween story book
Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
The idea was great but it was hard to read with all the condensation inside the cases




Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
you didn’t have to go up this way but if you are a 4 year old boy, that’s what you do-you scramble up the bike slopes!
Linguicia Loop Trail with kids in Swansea, Massachusetts
Happy kids hiking on this beautiful day!


The Skinny:

  • Weather :Β  AΒ  nice dry day ideally because it is a outdoor location
  • Parking and Admissions : FREE admissions and parking but you may park in a grassy lot
  • Location : All Trails says this is a 1.1 mile easy loop trail.Β  It is a great area for hikers, joggers, and bikers. I imagine, the routes here are really fun for bikers due to the slopes and jumps I saw also the number of bikers on the day we went.Β  Like I previously mentioned though, if you want more trails, you can come here as there are many leading off the main loop.
  • Hours : Sunrise to sunset everyday
  • Duration : We stayed here a bit over 2 hours but we sat for a while and ate and had 3 curious kids with us.Β  We could have stayed longer, the littlest guy needed to nap.
  • Tips and Recommendations :Β  Be wary of the mud with the low lying lands especially if it rains.Β  Wear boots!Β  Watch out for the many bikers or better yet join them if you are skilled enough!Β  ( I couldn’t do that with my young kids but I hope to when they get older-it looks like a blast! )Β  This is a very dog friendly area.Β  It is supposed to be for leashed dogs only but that just isn’t the case.Β  (The dogs we met were very friendly and excited to go for a dip in the water. )

Jewel Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ

Jamison Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ

IfΒ  you enjoy this location, let us know!Β  While in the area, you may want to check out some other locations we enjoyed: Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, Gammino Pond, andΒ  Osamequin Nature Reserve and Bird Sanctuary.

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