Jamestown Community Playground

9/10😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 Mommy Approved Smiling Faces


41 Conanicus Ave. Jamestown RI 02835


Jamestown Community Playground is one of the best playgrounds I’ve ever been to. It has a zip-line that is pretty long, a large hanging Platform swing, a tall lighthouse to climb up and see the entire playground from a bird’s eye view, a climbing structure, monkey bars, bridges, several types of slides and a little kids area for those that aren’t advanced enough to go toe-to-toe with the big kids yet. It’s very aesthetically pleasing and clean. It is made of recycled materials. The kids had so much fun here. There is a library adjacent to the playground so that makes restrooms and calming down with a book very achievable after letting off some steam. There is a nice area in this enclosed playground to sit and eat or just chat that is partially shaded.


The β€œmain event” in my opinion is this kids’ lighthouseΒ  with a large central two-sided ladder for climbing to the top and slides to go down


This gives you an idea of the size of the β€œlighthouse” structure

The climbing structure in front of the light house

Inside the lighthouse going down the slides

The vast zip-line with platforms on either end to land and take off!

Smaller rope climbing

Money bars for younger children

A view from inside the lighthouse

Another view from the lighthouse area

Bridge with higher monkey bars underneath and the zip-line in the background

β€œBird’s nest” platform swing …this picture is certainly fitting πŸ˜‰

Playground signage renovated in honor of a fallen 24 year-old Jamestown officer Ryan Bourque who was killed by an impaired driver

More signage for parents to know age suggestions of the park structures


  • Location : Jamestown Community Playground is an enclosed playground in Jamestown adjacent to the public library (double whammy!!)
  • Parking and Admission : FREE
  • Recommendations : Drinks and snacks because the playground is amazing so the kids won’t want to leave
  • Hours : Open daily 6AM-8PM
  • Weather : It has to be a decent day ( not pouring at least ) because this is completely outdoors

Jewel Approved πŸ‘πŸΌΒ  Jamison Β Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ

KIdfriendlynewengland.com-MUST-SEE Playground

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