Breton Point Park

8/10 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 Mommy Approved Smiling Faces

44-98 Ocean Drive

Newport, Rhode Island 02840

Breton Point Park is gorgeous offering panoramic coastal views.Β  Newport itself is a major tourist destination especially in the summer.Β  But it is nice to know that there is a public area for everyone to enjoy in this historically well-off neighborhood.Β  The drive here offers views of some of the state’s wealthiest properties.Β  There is one mansion after the next and they are all enormous, have intricate detail and amazing landscape to showcase them.Β  What I’m trying to say is that being is this area alone makes you feel swept away to a past time of royalty and on top of that, knowing that there is a beautiful place for all to enjoy regardless of their economic status, well that is just magnificent.Β  We all deserve to have the pleasure of this beautiful coastline.Β Β 

We went here on a really foggy and muggy day.Β  You couldn’t see much in terms of ocean views because you couldn’t see past a few feet.Β  That was kind of a bummer but it also led us to have more of the area to ourselves, trust me an amazingly hot sunny day here is busy!Β  It was still fairly trafficked but not to the point where we couldn’t find parking. We spent the entire time across the street from the parking on the rocks in the tide pools and on the jetty.Β  My kids love marine life so this was perfect for them.Β  They are learning how to catch creatures and hold them so they don’t harm them or the animals don’t harm them.Β  They also found so many creatures : periwinkles, crabs, shrimp and hermit crabs.Β  My kids were over the moon.Β  They love to hold them and find them but they also understand the importance of placing them back in the water so they can stay healthy.Β  Caring for the environment and its animals is something that can be taught at an early age.Β  Starting with simple kindness skills like these we can assist in forming compassionate adults.Β  I am certainly on board with creating that for a better tomorrow!

The jetty was short lived for us.Β  It is nice, but you can only walk out a short distance with the kids because the rocks have gaps between some that are too far for their and our comfort levels.Β  It has a rundown stair case made of cement leading to the top which was fun to look at and climb.Β  The whole area can be a bit risky but we felt okay climbing it with my husband’s help.Β  I’m sure under most other days it provides a great view!

Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids enjoying the tide pools
the only hermit crab we found of the day
Brenton Point State Park with kids in tide pools
SO many crab findings = Happy kids!
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids in the tide pools
We found so many crabs in various sizes this poor thing though! No pincers at all and its body was soft like it just molted. ( from what i’ve read these guys can actually regenerate their limbs – Nature is just amazing right? )
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids on the jetty
they had so much fun climbing the rocks with dad’s help, too bad for the fog!
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids in the tide pools
One of the several shrimp we found, I learned from the aquarium that if you hold your finger still they will come to you and “clean” it! it tickles a bit
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids in the tide pools
they are on the hunt
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids in the tide pools
All kids love to explore this is a great place to do it because there is a lot to touch and find
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids in the tide pools
kites are sold across the street in the meadow area
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids flying kites
The kids are so happy to have their very own kites this was their first time flying one!
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids flying kites
signage for the park
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids flying kites
There are a lot of kites here so you could also just watch other people fly them which is fun too
Brenton Point State Park in Newport with kids flying kites
Check out this astronaut!

The Skinny:

  • Weather : It has to be a nice day because it is completely outside
  • Parking and Admissions : Β FREE parking and admission
  • Location : Breton Point Park is open year round, has public restrooms open May 1-October 31, activities include picnicking, walking, fishing and recreation.
  • Hours : Sunrise to Sunset
  • Cons : Parking and traffic can be tough in the summer on a hot beautiful day
  • Duration : We spent 2 hours or so here the first time at the tide pools.Β  The second time when we flew kites, read books and relaxed. It was about the same-2 hours or so.Β  You could definitely stay longer and still be content especially when the weather is great and you pack food for it.Β 
  • Tips and Recommendations :Β  It is great to bring your own folding chairs or blanket to post up where you like and in an area with the best views instead of trying to find an empty bench.Β  Also there are plenty of places to grab some food or take a picnic while you enjoy this area.Β  We went to Newport Lobster Shack when we left here but since it is quick food that would be a good option or Flo’s Clam shack.Β  You can’t go wrong with either of these two choices and I’m sure there are others that are also delicious after all, you are in the heart of all things fresh seafood!

Jewel Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ


Jamison Approved πŸ‘πŸΌ

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