Bluff Point in Groton, Connecticut with kids hiking by the coast

Bluff Point State Park

8/10😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 Mommy Approved Smiling Faces

Depot Road

Groton, CT

(860) 424-3200

Bluff Point State Park is beautiful. The trail has mostly ocean views. The kids love to try to dip their feet in the water no matter the season.Β  Although it was a mostly chilly and windy day when we went here, it was still spectacular. We saw many families out with their kids, leashed dogs, bike riders, joggers and although we did not see any horses, we saw signs of their presence ( if you know what I mean πŸ˜‰). There are several signs saying where the horses are and aren’t permitted. Besides this, the views of the coast were stunning. There is actual beach access during this hike. The beach seems to have a ton of shells. We couldn’t believe how many half, intact scallop shells we found. They are not so common at the beaches we normally frequent.

Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
the map and information provided at the start of the hike
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
just so you have an idea of the trail and how it runs along the shore-its so pretty!
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
a nice wooded area with a small rock wall the kids enjoyed
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
they got so hot running around on the paths they took their jackets off
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
it was breezier by the water though-at least for Jewel
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
check out all those shells!
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
tons of info about whatever activity you choose to do here posted
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
it was a very interesting sky. The sun wanted to peak out but those clouds were just determined more so
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
Not sure how but there were two washed up boats on the beach here


Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
just interested in checking out these two boats
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
horse shoe tracks
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
such a beautiful view
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
this was toward the tip of the trail. there were lots of little paths leading you out directly on the rocks to see the ocean
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
sitting down to enjoy a much needed healthy snack to replenish us
Bluff Point State Park in Groton Connecticut with kids
the sun was setting as we neared the parking lot

The Skinny:

  • Weather :Β  AΒ  nice dry day ideally because it is an outdoor location
  • Parking and Admissions : FREE parkingΒ 
  • Location : There are lots of trails here for hikers, joggers, horseback riders and mountain bikers along with a beach and a partially wooded trail. Β The main loop is 3.6 miles. Β There is also salt water fishing and shell fishing, as well as a boat launch.
  • Hours : 7AM-7pm everyday
  • Duration : We spent an hour and a half here
  • Tips and Recommendations : dog-friendly,Β  walkways

Jewel ApprovedπŸ‘πŸΌ


Jamison ApprovedπŸ‘πŸΌ

Coastal hike with kids in Groton, Connecticut

If Bluff Point State Park was fun for you, be sure to check out Rhode Island’s Fort Barton and Beaver Tail both in Rhode Island where you can hike in the woods but are able to see the beautiful coastline too!

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    1. Stace, I’m so happy you like it! That is why I do it and I love to hear feedback from readers so thank you from the bottom of my heart!
      Crystal from Kid Friendly New England

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